Advisory Board Member

Prof. ChandraSekar Pandyan
(Certified coach , KM & Innovation Evangelist, Design Thinking & Story Teller)
ChandraSekar Pandyan has a demonstrated history of 30+ years working in the Strategy Execution Business & Management Consulting Industry driven by Design Thinking, Storytelling, Creativity & Innovation Excellence influencing a healthy Enterprise Balanced Score Card.
Organizational change agent with executive *leadership presence : ‘Solution Selling’ expert from Sweden-Mercuri Goldmann International Driving Business results orientation with execution excellence for enterprise ROI.
Situational leadership practitioner of Ken Blanchard, USA framework for enterprise people connect & collaboration aligned with performance management for enterprise results, outcomes &outputs improving efficiency & effectiveness.
- Design thinking & storytelling
- Innovation , Creativity & Marketing
- Organizational change & transformation management - Balanced scorecard(BSC)
- Certified Knowledge Manager -CKM , International knowledge management institute, IKMI, USA & top 50 impactful KM professionals - from world education & global knowledge management congress.
- Six thinking hats & lateral thinking - Certificate of merit - Edward de Bono Systems, USA.
- Design Thinking , storytelling & innovation -Harvard Advisory council member (HBP & HBR)
- Extraordinary coach -Zenger Folkmann, USA